Over the past decade or so CenturyLink has been on a massive buying spree, acquiring Level 3, Qwest, Embarq and about a dozen other telecom companies for more than $50 billion. Guess what the company is valued at today? $100 billion? $75 billion$ $50 billion? If you said $25 billion[…] Read On
Blog Archives
Silicon Valley’s Saudi Scandal
We have no problem turning a blind eye to human rights atrocities, until the spotlight turns on us. Over the past 24 hours all eyes have turned to Washington and Silicon Valley in the wake of the alleged brutal torture and murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The controversial[…] Read On
Was Elon Musk’s ‘Taking Tesla Private at $420’ Tweet Fraud?
I’m sure you’re all aware of Elon Musk’s “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.” tweet that stunned Wall Street, temporarily halted trading in the stock and sent it soaring 11% Tuesday. That’s a nice little payday if you can pull it off. Am considering taking Tesla private[…] Read On
The CFO: Calm in the Storm of Corporate Conflict
Tasting Napa cabs at a local bar with my former CPA of twenty years, we got to talking about why we always got along so well. “I don’t know how you put up with me,” I said, taking a sip of a Lateral Bordeaux blend, “but I’ve always gotten along[…] Read On
Why I’m Ditching Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo’s been my bank ever since I stepped foot in California nearly 30 years ago. That’s about to end. But not for the reasons you might think. I’ve used Wells Fargo for a mortgage, an equity line of credit, personal banking and business banking for decades. While none of[…] Read On
Tesla’s Board Should Seriously Consider Life After Elon Musk
Nobody likes an angry showman. When investors need a distraction from disastrous earnings, Tesla CEO Elon Musk is usually a master at coming up with some shiny new object for them to focus on. That did not happen on Wednesday’s earnings call. Musk told investors — the folks who actually[…] Read On
15 Things Every Leader Should Know About Business
Startup founders and small business owners are usually experts in their field and passionate about their work. Ironically, that’s why most fail. They don’t know a thing about running a business and, for the most part, don’t care to learn. Sooner or later, that trips them up. Sadly, the same[…] Read On