I once had a CEO who despised salespeople. Actually, he didn’t despise all salespeople, just his own. It’s not that he saw sales as a necessary evil. More like comic relief. He wasn’t much of a marketing fan either. His favorite description of us was “limp dicks.” The guy used to have[…] Read On
Blog Archives
How to Hear What People Don’t Say
The receiving end of communication is all about listening between the lines to understand what people really mean. It’s as true in business as it is in life: It’s more important to hear what people don’t say than what they do say. Easier said than done. The other day I[…] Read On
Crowdfunding: What Fools Do With Their Money
“A fool and his money are soon parted.” – Proverb If you’re dead set on throwing your money away there are more ways to do it now than ever before, and countless scammers and opportunists to help you get the job done faster than you can say “Kickstarter.” Ousted FBI[…] Read On
Why CEOs Don’t Trust Sales and Marketing
In the business world, trust is fragile thing. One screw-up can destroy a customer relationship that took years to build. And the fall guy is usually the sales guy. But here’s the thing. When sales screws up, it’s usually because they’ve been incentivized, motivated and budgeted to do the wrong[…] Read On