“George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is supposed to be a warning, NOT an instruction manual.” – Elon Musk China’s Orwellian control of its people, ostensibly for their own safety via Xi’s zero covid policy, should send a chill down your spine. It should also feel oddly familiar. We all experienced, and in[…] Read On
Blog Archives
Solving the Mystery of Dark Energy and the Universe’s Accelerating Expansion
From the tiniest quantum particles to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, one truth emerges: there is never just one of anything. So why would we assume that there is just one universe? The notion that ours is one in a cluster of universes doesn’t just make logical sense, it[…] Read On
To MiG or Not to MiG, That Is the Question
We were all gung ho to give Ukraine some Polish MiG-29 fighter jets … until we weren’t. I guess you can say that an emotional desire to help Zelensky in his plight to save Ukraine was overruled by a concern that it might give Putin a reason to escalate the[…] Read On
The Long and Short of ‘Long Covid’
Everyone’s losing their sh*t over “long covid”. Now might be a good time to consider the immortal words of Douglas Adams: Don’t Panic. When you tell people that omicron symptoms are looking more and more cold or flu-like, and if you are vaxed, have natural immunity, or are not vaxed[…] Read On
Perpetuating the Pandemic: Political Power and Media Money
Nearly two years into this pandemic and it seems that most people still don’t understand how viruses work. And the powers that be — namely Anthony Fauci, CNN and Twitter — seem to be more interested in ruling our lives than educating us. That should be your first clue that[…] Read On
The ‘Gender Identity’ Myth
It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth – Devan Cole, CNN Looks like CNN can use a lesson on the birds and the bees. Also journalistic integrity. Devan Cole, a breaking news politics reporter at CNN, stated in a recent article that “it’s impossible to know[…] Read On
California Gov. Newsom and the ‘Science’ Myth
If I hear one more person invoke the word “science” to defend their use of selective datasets or analytics to validate a preconceived viewpoint or ill-conceived decision I’m going to lose it. Seriously. Even when a broad dataset appears to point to one course of action there are always variables[…] Read On