The days of the media and the people holding political leaders accountable are over. I’m calling it. When slimy bureaucrats get caught doing something wrong, all they have to do anymore is flip it around on their opponent and spew the most outrageous lies they can come up with. The[…] Read On
Blog Archives
Who’s Responsible for California Wildfires? Environmental Bureaucrats and Lawyers
I hate Nextdoor. I really do. In case you’ve never had the pleasure, Nextdoor is where your neighbors get to display their idiocy and feel important at the same time. Like a neighborhood Twitter feed. Today one of my idiot neighbors posted this: “We need to begin preventing megafires, not[…] Read On
Six Days, Seven Hours
Six days, seven hours. That’s how long we were forced to flee our home of 26 years in the wake of the Bay Area wildfires. First we were locked down. Then we were locked out. Which is worse? You know, I don’t even want to go there. All I know[…] Read On
Iowa’s Raucous Caucus
And everyone wonders why I’m nervous about self-driving cars. An app that was never tested at scale and nobody was taught to use failed spectacularly. Panic-stricken party officials running around with their hair on fire as phone lines are flooded with calls from reporting precincts. Candidates declaring victory with no[…] Read On
Many Blood Sucking Parasites
Apparently the word “poli-tics” is derived from “poli,” meaning many, and “tics,” meaning blood sucking parasites. I can’t take credit for that one – it’s apparently been said by all sorts of notables from Robin Williams to Barry Goldwater Jr. (Hat tip to Andrew W.) Am I really that[…] Read On
Doomsday Clock Ticks 20 Seconds Closer to Global Apocalypse — Quick, Get the Chips and Salsa
The hashtag #DoomsdayClock has been trending all day on Twitter. Wait, you mean you’ve never heard of the famed Doomsday Clock? Join the club. I hadn’t heard of it either, until today, that is. Or maybe I have but it was so traumatizing that I blocked it out. Or maybe[…] Read On
Who’s Responsible for California Wildfires, PG&E or Environmental Bureaucrats?
At this moment I’m sitting on the veranda of my Silicon Valley mountain home. It’s a gorgeous sunny day – a little on the dry side, but not atypical for this time of year. This would be heaven on Earth except for one thing: The serene sounds of chirping birds[…] Read On