Want to know why the gap between the haves and the have-nots keeps growing? The haves live within their means. They don’t waste their hard-earned money on all the crap that American consumers spend billions, maybe even trillions, on each year. We have an almost insatiable appetite for just about[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Double Bubble Trouble
When stocks and other asset classes seem overvalued, we ask if we’re in a bubble. For a while, fools try to explain it away with lines like, “It’s different this time because [fill in the blank with ever more creative forms of denial].” When we can no longer deny that[…] Read On
Apple Will Devour Google’s Alphabet Soup
The niche concept is huge in marketing, but it’s actually a pretty big deal in positioning anything, whether it’s a company, a product or a person. And no, they’re not all the same. You are not a product. Don’t even get me started. First things first. It’s not pronounced “nēsh”[…] Read On