Why aspirations and not resolutions? I don’t want to let anyone down by setting high expectations. The way I figure, if I set the bar low enough, maybe I’ll at least have a shot at some of this stuff. Come on, quit laughing; it was worth a try. Anyway, here[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Say Cheese! Why Politicians and Bureaucrats Love the Limelight
The way federal prosecutors, the FBI, and the SEC clamored to get on camera when Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli was indicted on fraud charges, you’d think they were bringing down a Bernie Madoff or Al Capone. Nope. It was just a little hedge fund fraud over a few million[…] Read On
An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Personal Grooming
About a dozen years ago I started a management consulting firm and said sayonara to the corporate grind … and my Gillette razor. What can I say; I’ve always hated shaving, so I traded in the clean-cut exec look for the real me: grubby. Not everyone appreciated the new look.[…] Read On
How Did You Lose Your Star Wars Virginity?
It’s been 38 years since the original Star Wars movie was released in theaters, so I’m fully aware that many of you probably weren’t even born yet. As for me, I was 20 years old and enrolled at the State University of New York at Stony Brook on the north[…] Read On
The Truth Behind Our Entitlement Culture
Entitlements are two-thirds of the federal budget. Entitlement spending has grown 100-fold over the past 50 years. Half of all American households now rely on government handouts. When we hear statistics like that, most of us shake our heads and mutter some sort of expletive. That’s because nobody thinks they’re[…] Read On
The Most Insidious Workplace Prank of All Time
We’ve all pulled off and been victims of pranks. In college, we literally turned a guy’s entire room upside down. Everything was as he left it … if up was down and vice versa. Bed, chairs, desk, dresser – everything on and in them was flipped around – even the[…] Read On
Are You Destined for Success? Take This Quiz and Find Out.
Ever wonder if you’re a born business leader. Ever think that success just might be in the cards for you? Me neither. But just for kicks, take this quick quiz and find out if maybe there’s a little Steve Jobs or Bill Gates in you. Hey, you never know. Scoring is just[…] Read On