I have to warn you: What you’re about to read is disturbing. It’s confusing and unsettling. Some may find it terrifying. I have to admit, I don’t quite understand it myself. And it doesn’t end well. Actually, it doesn’t end at all. If that’s not the kind of story you[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: February 2017
Why the Robots Aren’t Going to Take All Our Jobs
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been hearing that technology is going to take our jobs and cause the downfall of the working class. As fear-mongering memes go, it’s right up there with the horrors the population explosion was supposed to unleash on planet Earth, per Paul Ehrlich’s[…] Read On
Would You Go Back and Change Things If You Could?
Here’s a little thought experiment I’d like you to try. If you had a chance to go back and relive some part of your life or get a do-over, you’d probably do it, wouldn’t you? Not me. You couldn’t pay me enough to go back and do it again. Good[…] Read On
Solving the World’s Idiot Problem
We have a problem: There are way too many idiots in the world. And because they’re idiots, they have no idea that they’re idiots. And therein lies the rub. Have you ever tried to get an idiot to realize it? It’s way harder than you’d think. The problem is that[…] Read On
Why Controversial Super Bowl Ads Don’t Move the Needle
Apple’s historic 1984 Super Bowl commercial was a watershed event for two reasons: It really got your attention, and it got a clear message across: that Apple’s Macintosh would save the world from a dystopian future of IBM clone PCs. It was so prophetic, so true to what has become[…] Read On
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick Silenced by #DeleteUber Campaign
#DeleteUber. That’s what got Uber CEO Travis Kalanick to abandon his principles and reverse a noble pledge to stand up for what’s right. Instead, Kalanick allowed himself to be bullied into stepping down from President Donald Trump’s economic advisory council. 3/ I’m going to use my position on Pres economic council[…] Read On