Donald Trump had to know the Stormy Daniels story would come out eventually. Porn always seems to find a way to expose itself.
Not that I think that’s a big deal. I don’t. I don’t give a flying fart that the president had an affair. With a porn star. When he was married. Twelve years or twelve minutes ago. Who am I to judge? Besides, Kennedy, Clinton … this is nothing new. At least Trump didn’t do it while in office. Not yet, anyway.
Evil HR Lady Suzanne Lucas tells of an email the Utah State Bar sent out to all its members. With a picture of a topless woman attached. The whole state is freaking out over it. Was it porn or a selfie? How did it get there? Nobody knows, but I’m sure the culprit will be uncovered.
Wow, bare breasts. Female breasts. Horrors. I’m sure none of the email recipients had seen that before. Could have been worse. A lot worse.
Just ask Anthony Weiner, now serving 21 months in federal prison. You just don’t expect someone with so much to lose to sext pics of his privates to a minor. While married. As a sitting Congressman. Or running for mayor of New York City. You just don’t. What a creep. No self-control, I tell you.
On the other hand, it is possible for an innocent person to get caught in a compromising position, so to speak. I once returned home from a week-long Asian business trip with a little more than jet lag. My company-issued notebook had been infected with a brief porn clip that would pop up unexpectedly.
Needless to say, I was horrified. Bad enough that I had the dreaded PC with me at home all weekend. Even worse, what if I was giving a board presentation and, well, you get the picture. When I returned to work on Monday I immediately handed the thing over to my IT person, who found and eliminated the embarrassing clip.
This was long ago but I still remember him asking me how it got there. “How the hell should I know?” I said. “I was in and out of companies, hotels and airports in like four or five countries. Besides, it’s a Windows PC, the most hackable product in human history. Ask Bill Gates how it got there.”
Still, the guy never looked at me quite the same.
What’s the lesson here? Of course the Evil HR Lady is right, nobody should have porn on a device they use for work, even if it is a BYOD situation. I would add lewd selfies to the list. Maybe even innocent pics that can be misconstrued as offensive.
Like it or not, we are a prudish, thin-skinned, politically correct society. We get offended easily and rush to judgement without all the facts. And that’s not going to change anytime soon.
Screen shot: Stormy Daniels on Jimmy Kimmel Live!