Hope ya’ll are having a fun summer and successfully celebrated the 4th without blowing up any body parts.
I’m sort of taking the week off; thought I’d fill you in on what’s going on around here. No vaca or anything (wife’s consumed with a new job), just chilling in the serene Santa Cruz Mountains catching up on cocktails, gardening and writing.
Speaking of which, I’m maybe 80% done with the first draft of my second book. Unlike the first, this one is narrative nonfiction, meaning it’s one hell-of-a crazy story; think Liar’s Poker meets Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. That’s all I can say for now.
Remember that stealth venture I told you about last year? It was an innovative wine ecommerce play – actually a good concept that was well-received but I could not make it work at this time, so I blew it up and may revisit again someday. We’ll see.
On the biz side I’m in the midst of a website rework ahead of a first-ever digital marketing push for my management consulting biz. Time to get more clients in the pipeline.
I’ve been strangely accident-prone lately. While my left hand was healing from torn ligament surgery I tripped on some rocks in flip-flops and fractured my right foot. Yes I did. Not a big deal – just in a boot for a few more weeks and I should be good to go.
Note to self: Be more careful; you’re not 21 anymore.
Critter update: A couple of families of Callipepla californica, aka California quail, live around here and just had their litters. Maybe I’m easily distracted but they are so fun to watch (here’s an aerial view from a balcony –>).
Say, anyone got a tip on how to get rid of moles? They’re driving me bananas.
That’s about all I’ve got. Feel free to fill us in on what’s going on in your world in the comments. And if you happen to be leading an especially interesting life, I’ll consider a guest post, but it had better be good. 😀
Well, it’s got to be 5 o’clock somewhere. Margarita time! Cheers!