As you know, I’m not a fan of pomposity. That’s why I don’t watch CNBC’s Shark Tank. I’ve actually had the experience of pitching VCs who sat in judgement while I desperately struggled to raise capital for the startups that were foolish enough to hire me. Raising capital is tough[…] Read On
Blog Archives
The Startup Gender Equity Gap, Explained
Here we go again. First there was the gender wage gap. Now it’s the gender equity gap getting everyone all riled up about gender bias in startups and Silicon Valley’s brogrammer culture. Cue the sensational headlines, the breathless commentary, the activist protests and the Twitter trolls. As usual, the truth[…] Read On
When Delegating Is Bad and Micromanaging Is Good
There are situations when delegating is bad and micromanaging, or being hands on, is good. The key is to know how to identify those situations. When advising CEOs who tend to be overly controlling, I often invoke the words of venture capitalist Fred Wilson: A CEO does only three things.[…] Read On
Entrepreneurship Is Like Running a Marathon … With No Finish Line
Entrepreneurship is not the glamorous career path it’s been made out to be. It’s not about big ideas and lofty ideals. It’s not about hopes and dreams. It’s not about guts and glory. It’s not even about invention and innovation. And it’s certainly not about a search for fame and[…] Read On
Tesla’s Board Should Seriously Consider Life After Elon Musk
Nobody likes an angry showman. When investors need a distraction from disastrous earnings, Tesla CEO Elon Musk is usually a master at coming up with some shiny new object for them to focus on. That did not happen on Wednesday’s earnings call. Musk told investors — the folks who actually[…] Read On
Crowdfunding: What Fools Do With Their Money
“A fool and his money are soon parted.” – Proverb If you’re dead set on throwing your money away there are more ways to do it now than ever before, and countless scammers and opportunists to help you get the job done faster than you can say “Kickstarter.” Ousted FBI[…] Read On
What Trump Doesn’t Get About China
President Trump has drawn a bullseye on Beijing, slapping tariffs on U.S. imports and labeling China a currency manipulator, all in an effort to improve our trade imbalance and bring manufacturing jobs back to America. He may be targeting the right country but waging the wrong war. China may be[…] Read On