Just when you thought California couldn’t get any wackier, the looney state legislators go full nanny state, passing a bill mandating female board directors for all public companies headquartered here, even those that are incorporated elsewhere. This is so wrong in so many ways I’m not sure where to begin.[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, Digital Media and Other Fleeting Fads
I hate myself for what I just did. After hearing a news anchor cheerfully announce the end of summer on August 28th because of the early launch of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, I thought, that can’t be right and googled it. That was my first mistake. The top news story[…] Read On
Another Day, Another Steve Jobs Tell-All Book. Yawn
Another day, another Steve Jobs tell-all book. Cue the biting commentary, the judgmental outrage, the recriminations, the Twitter tantrums. Yawn. Not to mention the overwrought headlines by disillusioned techies who didn’t even read the damn book, like Business Insider’s “The memoir by Steve Jobs’ daughter makes clear he was a[…] Read On
On Overcoming Adversity and Being Short
“Okay, don’t get excited man, it’s ‘cause I’m short, I know.” – Davy Jones, The Monkees – Daydream Believer I’m short. I mean, not quite as short as The Monkees’ Davy Jones, rest his soul, but still. As a kid I was usually the shortest guy in the class and[…] Read On
Why It’s Not Always Better to Play the Long Game
Is it really better to be long-term rather than short-term focused when it comes to business leadership, finance, or career strategy? That depends. The decade-long bull market has had a couple of major rough spots – one lasting more than a year, actually. If you panicked and sold, you blew[…] Read On
Flashback Friday: That Time I Gave My CEO the Finger
If you’re a loyal follower of this blog – and who wouldn’t be – you’re probably aware that I’m having a pretty bad year in terms of health, particularly orthopedic health. Turns out I didn’t just become the world’s biggest klutz in 2018. I’ve always been that way. Let’s rewind[…] Read On
Avoiding Digital Predators and Their Baited Traps
A big part of being happy and successful in the modern world is learning to identify and avoid a virtual epidemic of spammers, scammers and fraudsters. If you’ve ever caught an animal in a trap, whether it was a mouse, a gopher or a wasp, you probably felt several distinct[…] Read On