I am not a fan of the self-help, personal improvement, motivational genre. To be specific, it’s the I can [teach you/help you/motivate you] to be [happy/rich/successful] if you buy my [book/blog/course] merry-go-round I don’t care for. I don’t care if authors have academic, research, finance, religious or sales backgrounds, they’re mostly shysters[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: September 2018
10 Legal Myths Everyone Should Know
The law is too important to leave it to the lawyers. We live and work in a nation of laws. So much of what we think of as business strategy and common sense is actually dependent on our knowledge of the legal system. Executives and business leaders who’ve been around[…] Read On
Social Media Is the Opium of the People
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Imagine all the things we used to use them for . . . if you still have the attention span, that is. Today we use our minds to come up with snappy comebacks to celebrity tweets, post selfies on Instagram, make billions[…] Read On
The ‘Privilege’ Trap
“They have this work ethic that makes them want to succeed on their own merit. People make assumptions, that they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but they have not been given a lot.” – Sting, on why his kids will not inherit his fortune Ever wonder[…] Read On
Relationships: A Critical Success Factor in Business, Careers and Life
After pulling off one of the most remarkable turnarounds in corporate history, Mark Hurd was ousted from HP by a bunch of lunatics masquerading as a board of directors over a scandal that never should have seen the light of day. With his reputation unjustly tarnished I’m guessing Hurd would[…] Read On
Kavanaugh, Blasey Ford and the Court of Public Opinion
If you live on social media, life seems black and white. Nothing could be further from the truth. The world is a complicated place with lots of moving parts. Life does not vary one factor while keeping all others constant. That’s why problem-solving is never easy. That’s especially true with[…] Read On
Flashback Friday: Who Is Guarding Our Data?
First read this. Don’t worry, it’s short. Then I’ll tell you how long ago I wrote/published this strangely prescient piece, what with all the big online data breaches and security threats of recent years. Not to mention that it foretells the rise of Google, “There has never been a better[…] Read On