Monthly Archives: June 2020

Patience Is a Virtue

Patience is a virtue that will be rewarded. That’s something being an executive, a husband and an investor has taught me. Never mind that I was usually on the wrong side of the equation. That’s how you learn. Young and impetuous are practically synonyms. So are old and wise. And[…] Read On

2020: How About a Do-Over?

First, we literally shut down the U.S. economy for three months over a virus. Now that was a first. Then we had nationwide protests and rioting over a bad cop killing a guy for no apparent reason. As if that’s never happened before. However you look at it, history will[…] Read On

Peaceful Protests and Violent Riots are Not the Same Thing

I’ll try to write slowly so everyone can follow along, particularly those who can’t seem to distinguish between peaceful protests by concerned citizens and destructive riots by professional agitators. And by “everyone,” I mean virtue signaling wimps who happen to run many of America’s biggest cities, and the mainstream media[…] Read On