You used to have to be a person to be a racist. Now anything can be racist. Even inanimate objects. Statues. Flags. Theatrical makeup. Sports teams. Instant rice. Pancake syrup. What’s next, cotton swabs? Nope. Well, maybe. Until then, we have rope knots. Nooses, to be exact. As the method[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: June 2020
At Times Like This, OCD Is Your Best Friend
When I informed him that I’m finally getting my hair cut and teeth cleaned, Bob M — who spends his life gleefully perusing blogs, podcasts and videos so I don’t have to — said, “You will more feel human again.” He was right; I do feel more human again. And[…] Read On
Covid-19 Doesn’t Scare Me — Getting My Hair Cut Scares Me
The 80s called. They want their hair back. Tomorrow I’m going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned. Then I’m getting my hair cut. I’m both excited and terrified, but not for the reasons you might think. Just one person has cut my hair for the last 20 years,[…] Read On
Working From Home Ain’t for Everyone
Have you noticed how everyone and his brother is suddenly a work from home expert? The same sort of worthless generic advice we’ve all been subjected to since the dawn of free content. Create routines, have a regular schedule, establish boundaries, take breaks and vacations, be positive, yada yada. I[…] Read On
Thanks for Keeping Me Sane
When I sit down to write a piece — column, blog post, whatever — I always type the same working title: WTF. I’ve been doing that for more than a decade. There it is, staring up at me right now, right above these letters I’m typing. WTF. Just thought you[…] Read On
How to Destroy a Nation
If you really wanted to take down the greatest country in the history of the world, this is how you’d do it: React to a contagion no deadlier than the flu by locking down the entire nation, ostensibly to flatten the growth curve. Flatten the growth curve. Keep the economy[…] Read On
Why Identity Politics and Cancel Culture Works
In light of recent events and how one cowardly CEO and politician after another is kowtowing to the social justice mob, I thought it’d be cool to go back to a column I wrote seven years ago to see how identity politics and cancel culture got started and why such[…] Read On