“There’s a one in a billion chance that this is reality.” – Elon Musk There is a growing school of thought in the scientific community that we are all living inside a computer simulation designed by some super-advanced civilization. This is not some fringe idea dreamed up by a weed-smoking[…] Read On
Blog Archives
On the Fragile Balance of Nature
After the Big Bang that created our universe, the force of gravity caused matter to coalesce into young stars – nature’s first generation of organized matter. Stars, like people, don’t live forever; they run out of fuel after a few billion years. Without the energy to stave off the force of[…] Read On
How to Solve Tough Problems: Change Perspective
My natural tendency is to solve problems. Fix things. Hit me with a dilemma and I’m all over it. I live for that sort of thing. It’s like an addiction. And therein lies the rub. There are different classes of problems. Some problems, the more you stare at them, the[…] Read On
When One Door Closes, Another Opens … Sort Of
“When one door closes, fortune will usually open another.” Usually attributed to Alexander Graham Bell, that quote was actually said by Fernando de Rojas, famed author of La Celestina around the time of the Spanish Renaissance, c. 1500 ish (I found it in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations). It represents one of[…] Read On
Leap Day, Time and Einstein
We tend to think of time as fundamental. An immutable fixture of nature. Something no one and nothing can escape. Actually, none of that’s true. You see, time is a funny thing. The Big Bang didn’t just create our universe and everything in it. It also created space and time,[…] Read On