The Biden administration and Congress would have you believe that the highest inflationary indicators in decades are caused by either Trump, the pandemic, unusually high demand or some sort of mass delusion we’re all experiencing. Of course none of that is true, but that hasn’t stopped CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, the[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: November 2021
Time for the Woke to Wake Up
ICYMI, all the usual woke media, entertainment and political elites have been losing their minds over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. They still say he’s a white supremacist vigilante, except now they also attribute his acquittal to his skin color and a broken judicial system. To save you the trouble, you[…] Read On
A Life Worth Living
Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.– John Mellencamp Life is full of unforeseen events, emergencies and mini-dramas. They may be crazy and stressful, but those are the experiences that make life worth living and worth remembering. Whenever Kim and I hit the hot[…] Read On
Kyle Rittenhouse Case: Microcosm of Woke Culture War
When you stop and think about it, the Kyle Rittenhouse case is a perfect microcosm of America’s woke culture war. A summer of wanton violence, where police all over the nation were ordered to stand down while criminals looted, burned and killed in the name of BLM, gave rise to[…] Read On
Getting Old Is Great — Except for the Whole Aging Thing
Well, I did it. Got the J&J booster jab yesterday … and a flu shot too. At the same time. In the same arm. Sounded like a good idea at the time. I mean, I’ve never had a reaction to a vaccine. What could possibly go wrong? At first I[…] Read On
It’s Alive
To whom it may concern, I am alive and well. While I can’t prove that, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who takes a worse selfie. They always end up looking like someone’s creepy old uncle. So this is probably me, if for no other reason than that it couldn’t[…] Read On
We Are All the Same
Beneath our virtual façades and phony personas we are all naked and flawed. We all laugh so hard it hurts and hurt so much we have to laugh. We all break, and we don’t always mend. And all our stories begin and end exactly the same way. Along the way[…] Read On