Blog Archives

AOC on the Lunatic Fringe

“People are dying. They are dying.” – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez I guess Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC, is sort of bummed that the more folks get to know her and what she stands for the less they like what they see. The latest poll numbers show that 36% find her unfavorable,[…] Read On

Welcome to the Dark Ages 2.0

The biggest problem with the current version of American society is that we’ve lost the ability to reason and be reasonable. We’re not just hopelessly divided; we make false claims by presenting limited data to make one-sided viewpoints sound truthful. We do it chronically and purposely. Why would otherwise intelligent[…] Read On

March Equinox Brings Media Madness. Coincidence?

It’s the first day of Spring. How do you feel? I feel cold, damp and tired. Cold because it’s cold. Damp because it’s raining. And tired because it always takes me a while to get used to the daylight saving time change. Why can’t they just leave time alone? In[…] Read On

Can Paul Allen Teach Machines Common Sense?

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen wants to teach machines common sense. Maybe he should start by teaching humans. The Seattle Seahawks owner and mega-investor has earmarked $125 million for a project so artificial intelligence can “approach human abilities,” he said. Oren Etzioni, CEO of AI2, Allen’s AI research center, added that[…] Read On