Monthly Archives: August 2019

Triggers, Sensory Overload and Gendered Pronouns at the National Socialist Snowflakes Convention

TRIGGER WARNING: If you’re a millennial snowflake prone to sensory overload from chattering, whispering, clapping, heckling, hissing or gendered pronouns that may trigger your anxiety and affect your ability to focus, you might want to pass on this, find your nearest safe space, wrap yourself up in a warm wet[…] Read On

Order Rules: Virtues of the Status Quo

Mass shootings. Markets collapsing. Rioting in Hong Kong. China trade war escalating. Fake guacamole. The Bachelorette’s Tyler Cameron out with Gigi Hadid after reuniting with Hannah Brown. I mean, can things possibly get any worse? At least we have a peaceful political climate. Oh, wait. Since I’m always giving the[…] Read On