My father-in-law doesn’t believe think tanks are behind every spectacularly bad idea to come out of Washington. Just most of them. I believe he’s right. Have you noticed that the federal government is perpetually fixing things and making them way worse in the process? Health care. Education. Immigration. Mortgages. Student[…] Read On
Monthly Archives: February 2020
Mentoring For Dummies
Long ago a young entrepreneur reached out to me from the UK. She wanted me to consider mentoring her. I liked her smarts and attitude, so I gave her some guidance pro bono and eventually decided that her concept had some merit and agreed to help — to mentor her.[…] Read On
The Trouble With Bernie’s Brand of Socialism
“The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher didn’t actually say that, but she did say that “socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money.” Close enough. And her performance[…] Read On
Marketing Is Like Sex: Everyone Thinks They’re Good at It
Even people who don’t get marketing or think it’s a load of BS still think they’re experts. The engineers, the IT guy, the CEO—I bet half the people you work with think they know more about what customers want than the customers do. Everybody’s a focus group of one. Maybe[…] Read On
The World Is Not Black and White
Michael Avenatti. Elizabeth Holmes. Bernie Madoff. Jeff Skilling. Bernie Ebbers. John Rigas. Dennis Kozlowski. Walter Forbes. Joseph Nacchio. Raj Rajaratnam. What do all these names have in common? With the exception of Holmes (criminal trial this summer) they’ve all been convicted of high-dollar (9 or 10 figure) financial crimes including[…] Read On
The Trump ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Myth
While the term may be forever tainted in the minds of progressives and observers of President Trump’s impeachment trial, quid pro quo is actually a key pillar of modern commerce and contractual agreements. In other words, it’s a good thing. Even when Trump does it. The term literally describes a[…] Read On
Bernie Sanders’ Passive Aggressive Hack Attack
Publicly eviscerating a political rival never looks good. It looks even worse if you’re wrong. ICYMI, Long-time democratic strategist and LSU fanatic James Carville has been popping his cork over just how far left his party has gone. Mostly he’s afraid that socialist policies will cede the 2020 election to[…] Read On