Blog Archives

The Gender Pay Gap Is a Myth

Every year around this time we’re treated to the same eyeball catching headlines about the stubborn persistence of the gender pay gap. The Obama White House had an entire website decrying how “women are still paid less than men,” 77 cents on every dollar, according to the Census Bureau. Indeed,[…] Read On

Why We Need China to Burst our Bubble Culture

Walking across the border from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, China, in 1991, I found a city transitioning from market town to bustling metropolis. Most of the people were poor, and the technology companies I visited consisted of engineers in warehouses with old metal desks and outdated computers. But you could[…] Read On

Millennials and the Myth of the ‘Experience Economy’

If you haven’t heard that millennials value experiences over things, you haven’t been paying attention. That popular meme has appeared everywhere, including the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and just about every other business news publication. It’s also supposedly behind the demise of Aeropostale, Macy’s and other retail outlets. The only[…] Read On

How America Can Pay Down the National Debt and Turn a Profit

When I joined Texas Instruments in 1980 the company had its hands in everything. It was the world’s biggest semiconductor company. It employed the largest private navy on Earth for oil exploration. It made everything from guided missiles and minicomputers to calculators and digital watches. Eventually, TI’s leaders came to[…] Read On